Saturday, 6 February 2010

The journey to London begins

The London Marathon has always been something I have wanted to take part in since I was a child watching it on TV. After all these years of thinking about it I feel it's time to get out there and do it.

This blog will follow the ups and downs as I train for the Virgin London Marathon in 2011.

I'm not new to running, but I have never run more than 10K in one go, so the step up to a marathon is going to be quite a challenge for me.

I think the turning point, when I decided I couldn't put it off any longer, was when I read about Eddie Izzard and his Sport Relief challenge to run a marathon a day for 7 weeks, that's 1110 miles and with only 5 weeks training. When people you would not associate with such herculean feets are getting up and making a difference it's quite an eye opener and the kick up the ass I needed.

Why next year, why 2011? A few people I have spoken to have asked why I'm not going for the race this year.

  1. I missed the registration for the Virgin London Marathon 2010
  2. Even if I could get a charity place I personally don't feel confident that I could be fit enough in time.

So here I am at the start of what I feel is going to be quite a journey. I've been running on and off for the last couple of weeks but today marks the start of my training proper.

Today is DAY 1.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt-
    Just came across your site. I'm also starting a training program in hopes of running a marathon later this year (Chicago Marathon). I'm actually starting by training for a half marathon which I plan on running in May. I've been running consistently over the last few weeks but will start my formal training this coming Monday. I also started a blog so that people can follow my progress and hopefully help me stay motivated. Check it out when you get a chance. It's

    Best of luck!
